
Armand, the Left just kicked ass in France!

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Lorraine Evanoff: YES!

Hopefully this persuades the mode in America.

Strangely, the two continents are more affected by each other than appears on the surface.

As one who loves Hegel, maybe GWF Hegel was onto something with his "Zeitgeist".

Steve Bannon (URGH! VOMIT!!) in his megalomania thinks he influences the movement to the Right in Europe.

That is OK, little Mr. Bannon, just go back to your cell. We'll feed you a little bread and water, just like they do shipboard when an offender is sentenced to three-days bread and water at Captain's Mast.

Oh, now that I have taken a few minute break to clear my nausea and laughter at Steve Bannon, back to the story.

I had been worried about a movement to the right in Europe, fueled by the results of the Election to the European Parliament (EU - Bruxelles).

Thank God, Ursula von der Leyen is at the Head of the EU and unites middle and middle-right Parties to a majority to combat the racism of AfD allies who won seats to the EU Parliament. Thank God or Mother Nature or Lady Fortune or Father Thor or Father Zeus or Shiva or . . . whatever persuasion (or not) -- Thank our lucky stars that Ursula von der Leyen is at the Head.

Among the right-wingers elected to the EU Parliament, the Front National or Rassemblement National excludes the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), since, at a minimum, it was embarrassing to associate with a Party where some leaders temporize over SS crimes.

The EU election shocked and upset me.

The elections, since, have been quite reassuring.

I think you will sympathize -- er, actually, I KNOW you will: Out with Nigel Farage -- who has to be separating himself -- even with HIS extremes -- from Party-Allies in his own home district that are virally anti-Semitic!

As far as Nigel Farage, on this, I sympathize with Lady MacBeth: "Out, Foul Stain!"

I will look at the numbers, and may even analyze these with the British numbers to Post. Armando has so very many plans.

Lorraine: Armando wants the Democrats to win the Presidency, the House, the Senate, more Governorships, more State Legislators, more County and City Leaders -- a clean sweep.

The stakes are such, that Armando advocates that, within the limits of the law, We unite to do ALL THINGS NECESSARY to win, no matter what, no matter any feelings of any leader, we must (within the bounds of the law) DO ALL THINGS NECESSARY TO WIN, and, if possible, WIN A CLEAN SWEEP.

A very good factor is the anger over the ludicrous and manic extremes on the strictures on women's health.

These strictures are so manic, that it opens the eyes of many.

And surprisingly, the Populace is slowly beginning to be aware of Project 2025, helped considerably by Heritage's Kevin Roberts, "A second revolution . . . BLOODLESS IF THE LIBERALS ALLOW!"

So bad that even Orange-Bottomfeeder feels a need to distance himself. "I know NOTHING. But Project 2025 says many things that I disagree with!" -- I suppose the reasoning powers of many Americans is such that many will not notice the inherent contradiction in Orange-Toddler's supposed exculpatory remark.

What strange times, Lorraine.

The Left DID kick ass in France.

France gave us the Statue of Liberty.

Let us, standing with that great French gift, the Statue of Liberty, propel the "American left to kick ass in the USA as they did in France!"

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Armand Beede

We've been kicking ass here since Nov 8, 2106. Sorry to keep pushing back on the doomsday talk, but I'd argue that the USA has been an inspiration to UK and France and Poland and Brazil. But Ukraine has been the biggest inspiration of all!

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Lorraine Evanoff: Keep pushing back, with the Proviso that the White House SHOW THE PASSION!

They can't keep throwing duds on show-date (debate).

I support Biden or any Democratic nominee.

All I care about is WINNING. I care less about being right, and as a lawyer I love pushback and logic.

I want critics, not echoes.

Within the bounds of the law: ALL THINGS NECESSARY.

NATO and Great Britain and Europe have been slowly picking up the ball for Ukraine where . . . ahem . . . Speaker Johnson CRIPPLED our support for months on end for Speaker Johnson's selfish motives.

I believe in reason and logic and facts.

But a list of people that make me genuinely angry would start with The Orange-Donald, Speaker Johnson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Laura Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan.

Excuse me . . . URGGHHH! Nausea relieved, but messy here. Those names have that effect on me. Sorry. Please excuse the mess. I'll clean up.

But I will put on a happy face to support whatever the Democratic Party does.

I think Kamala Harris is a future president.

I would LOVE to have a team, say in 2028, of Kamala Harris and Gretchen Whitmer.

Oh, and are you ever right: England, France, Poland, Brazil.

Come on, America: Pull through for us!

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Oh please.

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Jul 7Liked by Armand Beede

It was a great post , happy you shared it my friend . peace to you

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Mitch: Back at you, dear and good soul!

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