Jul 21Liked by Armand Beede

Thank you! It’s so true. I love him and I hope he continues to advise President Harris as she takes over in January! We are going to win because we are all in this for the good of ur country not for who WINS for their ego! Thanks to President Biden for everything he has done for our country. I

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Sheryl Pickering: You state it exactly right!

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Well said, Armand!

"I will miss Mr. Biden at the helm.

But I want to see Mr. Biden in expert, elderly statesman roles, and I want Mr. Biden to make himself widely present in his Happy Warrior roles, so we don‘t have to miss Mr. Biden too much."

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Lorraine Evanoff: Jimmy Carter grew in stature after his Presidency as an Elder Statesman. George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton worked on humanitarian projects together.

President Biden has depth of wisdom and experience to continue to serve.

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Yes and Carter was so egregiously swift boated. It was disgraceful.

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Lorraine Evanoff: I agree.

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Jul 21Liked by Armand Beede

If we lose, because we don’t have Joe, I hope everyone remembers those gormless motherf**rers at the NYT and the equally gormless “elite” democrats with all the money. We need a punitively high wealth tax, so these assholes can’t f**k with our elections ever again.

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Edward Bryant: I think you are right that the threat of donors to withhold funds from even Congressional campaigns played an enormous role in President Biden‘s decision.

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Jul 21Liked by Armand Beede

A good argument for public funding of elections and the complete elimination of private bribes, I mean donations.

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Edward Bryant: Unfortunately, the Supreme Court had lifted such donation limits as had existed on adduced First Amendment grounds.

In principle, I agree totally.

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I feel like Joe was betrayed by his own party, but he never betrayed the American people. Such a good man. Whoever our nominee will be, they certainly have my vote. 💙💙💙

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Susan Niemann: We need to expand all energies on winning in this high-stakes election.

I feel sure a future Woodward-Bernstein team will uncover for us what happened.

I love Mr. Biden, and I love Kamala Harris.

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I totally agree with you. What a roller coaster ride this is. 😳

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Jul 21Liked by Armand Beede

I agree with you Susan...some of our fellow democrats really treated Biden terribly...it makes me sad. My hope is if he still wants to after being treated like absolute poo that he continues to advise...which we need desperately in these times of precarious nightmarishness.

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His wisdom, perspective and experience is invaluable. They would be foolish to not listen to him. Someone floated him as Secretary of State.

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I have a different opinion. It was legitimate to have major concerns about Biden’s health and those concerns DO NOT make them traitors. Looking for traitors on only has to look at Trump and those around him, Manafort and other Putin puppets.

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Jennifer Keen and Jim Sanders: Both of you raise excellent points, and both positions can be right at the same time.

We Democrats are too good at forming circular firing squads.

In the spirit of both of you, with tomorrow being only 105 days from 5 November, if we are to win, it must be full steam ahead with: (1) Project Happy Warrior; and (2) Rhetorical nuclear war and full court press against the foe, with lots of bright red, shiny objects and surprising the press at every turn with bright lights and novel noises to stay in the press‘s limelight every moment of the next 105 days. We have no spare time as the clock ticks to the end of 105 days.

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Jul 23Liked by Armand Beede

Looks like the Democrats are coming together with Kamala and she had the highest donations given in the least amount of time as well as having the delegates needed to be our Democratic President Elect at the convention. So far as of today Tues July 23rd, it looks like no one in the Democratic Party is placing a stick in the bicycle spokes. If Trump doesn't chicken out of a debate with her she will literally destroy him on stage...and he knows it. Onward! And Godspeed to Kamala so that she becomes the next President of America!

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Jennifer Keen: You and I have exactly the same sentiment!

Kamala Harris' performance as Happy Warrior electrified me!

The Democrats now have fight in their belly!

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Jul 23Liked by Armand Beede


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Jennifer Keens: Within the bounds of the law: BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT!

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by Armand Beede

They at the top needed to be more quiet about it because it made the Democrats look like weak inconsistent wishy washy aholes...if he was not able enough to be President something should have been done sooner. Not 100 days away from Election and up against one of the most diabolical shits in the history of politics...Psychopath Trump. This did not happen in the past month. So squaking about it in such a negative way to demean Biden by his own party and the Media when Trump garbles his words too and

says absolutely bat shit crazy things was really hypocritical and wrong. But let's move on. We have to win this or not only America but Earth will be screwed.

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I agree but Dems will be Dems. Remember the song Pretty Woman who takes in an injured snake, nurses him back to heath and then the snake bites her so she will die. When she implores why he replies “shut up pretty woman, you knew I was a snake when you took me in”.

I know Dems always go around shooting their own.

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Jim Sanders: On July 21, I thought the same thing.

On July 23, the same players, but Kamala Harris is making the proverbial lemonade out of lemons and I love her fighting, joyful spirit.

Not to be too repetitive, but Kamala Harris' opening act was electrifying!

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I love Joe & Jill for making the decision to step aside, he’s an American HERO 💙🇺🇸💙 - he’s earned even more of my respect & deserves to enjoy his well earned retirement

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Boho Devereaux: Moreover, I hope that Mr. Biden will be a senior voice of wisdom at major foreign policy institutions, because I don‘t want to have to miss this great statesman.

The good thing: Kamala Harris is a dynamo!

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“Kamala Harris is a dynamo”. Yes she is. However I fear ambitions white men will work to insert themselves as the presidential candidate continuing the long tradition of Dems shooting each other for the good for themselves instead of for the good of the county. They will have fully rationalized their attempt as they are not beings but becomings.

Knowing you like philosophy I thought you might like my allusion to Hegel.

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Jim Sanders: Becomings . . . Hegel and Heraclitus . . .

No wonder I love reading your thoughts!

Thank you for sharing.

As for the Democrats as a circular firing squad, I am afraid a lot of our party history justifies this apprehension.

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Heraclitus: flux and fire. As a fire sign and knowledgeable about dynamical systems, I find him interesting even though he provided no written records and we must rely upon what others said he said.

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Jim Sanders: You and I could talk for hours over coffee, days over fine bourbon.

I love the Pre-Socratics and in reading Aristotle‘s Physics and Metaphysics, I learn a lot about them.

Of course, Hegel, if memory serves me correctly, thought every day under the influence of Heraclitus.

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What a decent and honorable man. Respect!!

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Elizabeth Stolle: The news of the President‘s decision saddened me considerably with, though, the pace of the election -. 105 days till the election — waking me to the real need: The campaign will have to take on a feverish pace to create the juggernaut to smash the foe with Battle Operation Happy Warrior!

What you say moves my heart. Thank you so very much for sharing!

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Jul 22Liked by Armand Beede

Hi Armand, if I am not mistaken, president of France the time of Trump administration was Macron, not Sarkozy, if you refer to that administration of course ;)

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EI B: You are right, for on 11 July 2019, Emanuel Macron announced that NATO was brain dead. After Trump had announced he would violate Article 5, if Trump thought the NATO member attacked was not worth the effort or risk.



It is very remarkable that Biden helped spearhead a NATO of greater unity, wider membership, and strategic depth, the more so in light of damage done by the previous administration.

Thank you so very much! I appreciate you!

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He's done amazing work as our president. He was the man for the job in 2020, and I appreciate all he has done. I look forward to a strong Democratic opponent to MAGA and we will win SOUNDLY in November. I would be happy if VP Harris ran.

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Ilona Goanos: After watching the GOP Convention, Governor Jared Polis (D-Colorado) believes Trump/Vance are so mediocre that we Democrats should develop a position to win by 10 points!

It is very sad to lose our President, may he live long and strong and be quite visible for wise counsel.

Long live future President Kamala Harris!

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