I have come to a conclusion about what Biden should do. My conclusion is that I haven’t a clue. Too many variables, too many voices where I have no reliable way to measure their credibility.

On MSNBC yesterday an “intellectual” posited that we should not stifle debate—not his actual words but my import—about Biden continuing to run or not. In theory, what he said makes sense but I have a question. Does anyone actually believe we can get to some type of “truth” listening to so-called experts debate? Does debate lead to truth or does it reflect the sophistic skills of the debater.

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Jim Sanders, Yours are very thoughtful, responsible comments.

I am a Biden supporter.

If with proper process within the Party another team arose -- my preference has long been the preference stated the other day by Professor Zelizer (i.e., Kamala Harris/Gretchen Whitmer).

It does not disturb me that there is dialogue within the Party.

My beef is not WHO should be the nominee.

My beef is HOW and, not least, WHEN it is playing out.

I am not at all impressed by the sudden unison among three opposing cable stations -- Fox, CNN, MSNBC -- they are ONE on this. Who knew that was possible?!

The situation is a nightmare.

In itself, a Biden/Harris team is strong.

That is the team and I support it.

If the Party selected, say, Kamala Harris/Gretchen Whitmer, that is a very politically able team representing future statesmen at the helm.

If Biden had shown himself "The Happy Warrior" at the Debate, we would not be in this debacle.

But the Democrats make it worse.

The Congressmen -- who seem to be a driving force, so far as I can navigate through this fog -- are talking . . . TO THE PRESS.

No matter HOW it ends, the food fight among the Democrats HURT the Candidate -- whoever that candidate will be.

With only 116 Days, the Democrats need to look decisive, put on the Happy Warrior, and hire the most nasty campaign strategist in the spirit of Lee Atwater, to take off the gloves, put on brass knuckles, and broadcast ceaselessly images of Trump's fire in igniting racists and insurrectionists and showing the Proud Boys battering through Capitol Hill, show images of the old KKK with Trump's voice calling immigrants "vermin" and accusing them, in fascist fashion, of "poisoning our blood."

The Lee-Atwater style campaign should highlight woman victims (9-year-old victim of abuse from her uncle; women in emergency room where the Doctor won't treat her condition because, under some Texas legislator's opinion, the medical care would be criminal) -- and the ad should shame the Republicans with Alabama's IVF debacle and Trump-Heritage Society with Project 2025's proposed enactment of the Alabama dilemma. A political strategist could put together a video story to bring the voter to tears and outrage against the Republicans.

This is not the time to be subtle.

The Democrats let themselves be put in the defensive by a would-be Dictator-on-Steroids (Thank you, Supreme Court).

The Lee-Atwater firehose against the Republicans should blast the constant barrage of lies on fundamental issues and the promise of Dictatorship, with cites to paragraphs of Project 2025 and to the Supreme Court's decision.

As General Douglas MacArthur said: "There is no substitute for victory."

Within the bounds of the law, the Democrats must do all things convenient and necessary to CRUSH the Republicans in the House, Senate and the Presidency.

Jim Sanders: I really enjoy your and my dialogue. You present sound reason and reflection in the dialogue. Thank you for sharing.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Armand Beede

If one listens to MSM, CNN and/or MSNBC I becoming more convinced one is listening to sound and fury signifying nothing. However, if one watches Fox then it seems that they enjoy watching maggots turn into flies in garbage.

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Jim Sanders: That statement is literary and wonderful on so many levels!

Thank you. I had to giggle on that one.


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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Armand Beede

What you propose would be ideal: Harris/Whitmer. And now is the time to put this into play, while folks have a moment to wrap their heads around it. The reality is that Dems are going to vote for anyone other than Trump, so those who are panicking need to chill and consider that this is the point in history where there is OPPORTUNITY. Opportunity to finesse, opportunity to put women forward in a meaningful way, opportunity to advance all that is important to young people and that will improve the world they will inherit after we are gone. The world is ripe for change. Time to pick the fruit and enjoy it instead of waiting for it to fall to the ground and rot.

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Chris Andrews: I would be thrilled with Kamala Harris/Gretchen Whitmer. It is an idea I have long treasured, but which was expressed so well on July 5th by Princeton Professor Julian Zelizer.

But against Trump, I would vote for ANY Democrat, and Joe Biden has accomplished so much, I am presumptively a Biden Supporter.

Whatever the Party does, the Party looks like a lizard in primitive panic that freezes before the rattler.

And the cable media magnify this through the megaphone.

My criticism is not WHO the Democrats select.

My worry is that with 116 days left to the election, and the time shrinking rapidly daily, we must IMMEDIATELY radiate joy and bread-and-circuses for the crowds.

If Biden had showed up at the debate as the Happy Warrior there would not have been this talk.

The reason there is talk of succession is because the media have circulated rumors of senility for a long time, and Biden allowed himself to look like a scared and overwhelmed child during the Debate, which metamorphosed the debate into a shark's feeding frenzy in waters stirred by blood and flapping arms.

And the Democrats haven't helped our case since, and the stakes are critical: A narcissistic, racist Tyrant on steroids through the Heritage Foundation and the Supreme Court.

Yet we have food fights in the Democratic Party a mere 116 days out from the election.

Keep the current leadership; pass the torch to Kamala Harris and Gretchen Whitmer -- an electrifying team! -- but don't sink the chances for either Biden nor Harris/Whitmer through internal food fights magnified through the prism of the raging digital media.

We must be decisive and present the Happy Warrior and paint the Pointy-Scarecrow that is Heritage/Supreme-Court/Donald Trump.

We must win, and the only way to do that is through a decisive, smashing campaign that destroys all the red herrings and fiery imagery of the Republicans.

The Democratic Party is deep in talent and the Party needs to mobilize behind X (Biden/Harris; Harris/Whitmer) NOW and destroy, absolutely DESTROY the GOP Campaign.

Hire the most aggressive media hitmen to target messaging to BULLDOZE the GOP with imagery of their own violence, insurrection, and their tolerance of Russia's bombing of Ukrainian hospitals-for-children!

There is no reason why the Democrats cannot get in lockstep to DESTROY THE GOP CAMPAIGN.

The Democratic Party, and Joe Biden, OWE US THAT TO SAVE DEMOCRACY!

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I agree with you 100% on all. Time to change approach, as you suggest. Love the Happy Warrior concept. That is the attitude needed. I appreciate your deep thinking on all things.

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Chris Andrews: And another, if unrelated point. I LOVE to read your publishing for the humor and realism in romances. The banana eating episode was innocent and a SCREAM! You are an artist!

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Jul 12Liked by Armand Beede

He is more than unfit , the orange turd is a pedophile , rapist , 24 felons . I don''t even know how he could run . Great article .Armand . peace to you

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Mitch: Thank you so much! Peace to you, your son, and your loved ones.

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George Clooney is a nice guy, but is feeding into the media spin monster. He's very much afraid and he's spreading it far an wide. Way to treat your friend, George.

Thanks for such a comprehensive piece, Armando. I honestly get overwhelmed by the mountain of news stories and information to stay on top of. I appreciate creators like you who do a great job summarizing. I stand with Joe!

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