This is outrageous. Thank you for bringing this to everyone’s attention. And I agree with Diane - the Harris campaign needs to read this. Paxton is a criminal and needs to be dealt with.

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Susan Niemann: Unfortunately, from the attention I have paid to Texas political news, these brutal tactics seem typical of AG Ken Paxton.

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Yes and he is a known criminal.

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PeacefulusPatriot: It gets worse with him:


"HOUSTON — Prosecutors on Tuesday agreed to drop the securities fraud charges facing Attorney General Ken Paxton if he performs 100 hours of community service and fulfills other conditions of a pretrial agreement, bringing an abrupt end to the nearly nine-year-old felony case that has loomed over the embattled Republican since his early days in office.

"The deal, which landed three weeks before Paxton is set to face trial, also requires him to take 15 hours of legal ethics courses and pay restitution to those he is accused of defrauding more than a decade ago when he allegedly solicited investors in a McKinney technology company without disclosing that the firm was paying him to promote its stock. The amount of restitution totals about $271,000, prosecutor Brian Wice said."

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OMG. Paxton is an evil criminal and must be locked up. This needs to be stopped. Thank you for your work Armand. God bless Mrs. Martinez 💔

"LULAC is the League of United Latin American Citizens, which is the oldest civil rights organization under the umbrella of Latin Americans, having been founded in 1929.


LULAC states that its objective is: Empowering Latinos at every level.

The Mission of the League of United Latin American Citizens is to advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health and civil rights of the Hispanic population of the United States.

AG Paxton readied the large team police squads for Tuesday Morning, 20 August 2024, at 6:00 AM to simultaneously raid the homes of five LULAC Leaders, including Ms. Martinez.

Ms. Martinez was awakened out of the fog of deep morning sleep by relentless pounding on her front door.

So, Ms. Martinez grabbed the first-available night robe and ran to her door, letting the visitors know she was coming.

Ms. Martinez was shocked to open her front door in the dark of the morning to no fewer than nine policemen (7 men, 2 women) in uniforms and armed with rifles.

The lead officer demanded to be let in.

Upon inquiry, the officer produced a search warrant.

Ms. Martinez asked why she was the subject of a search.

The officer replied that there were allegations of election fraud. Ms. Martinez had to scratch her head, and she asked if there were still issues lingering about a distant election, like 2012?

Ms. Martinez asked, since she was now hosting a squad of police in her home, could she change into day clothes.

The officer bluntly told Ms. Martinez she could not change.

One has to ask: Why cannot an 87-year-old woman even determine that she would present in dignified, day clothes. What compelling state concern required her to stand in her underwear?"

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Lorraine Evanoff: Ken Paxton has reached my attention on a number of levels.

I am thankful in this to have become close to the story of good, inspiring people, those like Lidia Martinez and LULAC.

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I have a lot of people in my life that always sees the best in people. They ALL grew up in families with maids and cooks. They are good people.

I have seen the other side of life. I KNOW, as best as I can know being a mere mortal, that much of all populations is made up of sociopaths. Often, sociopaths have many other issues. There may be good reasons why some are sociopaths and they deserve understanding. But let us be clear. They are poison.

I can feel a sociopath when they are around me. I can feel that with most of the politicians I’ve been around and a high percentage of attorneys. They appear to have no awareness that they may be shits.

So, in my opinion, Texas Republican politicians are poison and so are the people who vote for them. That will never change.

The only remedy is to get all the nice people to pay attention and vote. Fortunately we have people running on the Dem side that my spiny-senses tells me are very good people. Also, I had very good vibes about Gwen Walz and I’m very glad that she was pulled in the campaign. She is a powerhouse.

Don’t know if if ever got to a salient point. Sorry.

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Jim Sanders: Your points are always salient, especially in one who "always sees the best in people."

I feel that is the way to live.

"Texas Republican politicians are poison . . ." I certainly agree, with Governor Greg Abbott and AG Ken Paxton. There is a lot of history about AG Paxton.

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Damn Armand. I wasn’t thinking when I made the comment about attorneys. I have several good friends who are attorneys.

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Jim Sanders: PLEASE do not worry about it. I feel largely the same way.

In my own defense: I worked in public service -- In the Marines and long-term in the Air Force and USAF-Reserves as Judge Advocate (28 years uniformed service, Retired, Lieutenant Colonel -- I wasn't smart enough, I guess, to make 0-6! But I am a proud graduate of Air War College) and

32 years civil service (Navy Office of the General Counsel).

My client was highly ethical and my job was, as judge advocate, to counsel on medical-risk management cases. As Associate Counsel, Naval Research Laboratory (Gulf Coast and Monterey, CA) I did all of the lab's business transactions, essentially.

But I am really glad I never went into private practice. That is a Darwinian world and the temptations to breach ethics are way too strong. Maybe I'll write about that some day.

Your comments, Jim, are always well taken.

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Since I did 25 years as an expert witness I have seen up close the sour fruit of competition for economic gain.

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Aug 31Liked by Armand Beede

Armand, I think this article needs to be part of the Harris campaign. Scum like Paxton need outed and put out of office. There’s something wrong with Texas Republicans that needs addressed. I would never move there!

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Diane K24: You are so right, "Scum like Paxton need outed and put out of office." I feel sure, Winnie would agree. Bark, bark!

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Aug 31Liked by Armand Beede

Yes, she would!

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I’m very glad I left Texas. I’ve never lived anywhere so horrifyingly abusive.

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PeacefulusPatriot: And yet . . . and yet . . .

In San Antonio, I love attending Mass at the San Fernando Cathedral; walking in the barrio and entering a hole-in-the-wall with wonderful Mexican cuisine; touring the house of that lover of Liberty, José Antonio Navarro and the Navarro home:


I love Houston with Rice University, the great Medical Centers, and the Marc Rothko Chapel.

But yes. Governor Greg Abbott and AG Ken Paxton . . . these are dictators. Shameless dictators.

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This is a beautiful picture of what’s going on in Texas. Gov Abbott and AG Paxton need to be removed. Both are committing crimes against the citizens of Texas and all the GOP who are complicit also. Thank you Armand you’re a good American.

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That is what makes it so painful. San Antonio is lovely and I also have many good memories there.

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Sep 1Liked by Armand Beede

I have reached the point since I live in the state right next-door that I don’t even visit there… if I have to drive east I circumvent Texas entirely… many Texans come to my state or through my state. I see their license plates.:TexASSS

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I grew up outside the US, and I’ve lived in dictatorships. It’s clear that Texas and Florida have become dictatorships within the United States. We have to work to overcome the voter suppression and gerrymandering in those states, and other red states, to get rid of these criminals once and for all. As AOC said after the 2018 midterms, there aren’t red and blue states. There’s blue states and voter-suppressed states.

This is beyond appalling. Sickening.

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Paula Simmons: And we haven't here begun to talk about book banning in Texas, Florida and Tennessee.

Tennessee banned "Maus"!

Oh, that stirred my juices!

Here is Art Spiegelman commenting on NPR:


Can you imagine how much bolder these authoritarian states, Texas, Florida, Tennessee, will be if Trump were elected in the Fall?!

Naw, we who love liberty will fight!

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This is absolutely disgusting evil, and my prayers are with LULAC. I continue to be saddened that I am glad I left San Antonio, Texas. It is a beautiful place with so many beautiful people, but MAGA are a poison there. The state’s leadership are in no way pro life: intimidation is an unacceptable evil.

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PeacefulusPatriot: LULAC is a beautiful civil rights organization and they have expressed that they want to work with allies such as the NAACP on combatting AG Paxton's voter suppression.

It is amazing that in 2024 we are dealing with undisguised Jim Crow.

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Aug 31Liked by Armand Beede

Has anything happened to Paxton—censure, Impeachment, criminal prosecution? No, in Texas it seems that the fascists are in charge.

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Norma McDonald: Remember, the events are very recent. The invasive searches and seizures took place on 20 August 2024.

What has happened is action by LULAC to engage the Department of Justice. Additionally, at least one of the subjects of the 20 Aug 2024 searches and seizures has obtained a court order to stay any further procedures against her.

As far as censure or impeachment of the State Attorney General, that is a long, twisted tale.

Last year, the State House of Representatives charged 11 counts in impeachment against the State Attorney General for sundry misconduct.

As the fates would have it, the State Senate acquitted him on all 11 counts.

There was much public press about threats against the families of any Republican State Senator that would vote to convict on impeachment.

Here are three articles about the proceedings at the time (good reporting, but by no means exhaustive):




From the above NBC Report:

"Most are new faces to the Republican Party, because Paxton, the legally embattled but popular statewide official, isn’t seeking to shore up his party’s incumbents: Paxton is out for revenge.

“It’s time for a whole new slate in Collin County,” he wrote in one post with a photo of him and five Republican candidates seeking to oust incumbents. Two of them are running in the same race — his tweet suggests voters pick one — but all share one key characteristic in their primaries: They didn’t vote to impeach the attorney general last year.

"Paxton was impeached on corruption charges by the Texas state House last May, with 60 votes coming from his own party, before the Texas state Senate acquitted him in September and restored him to office.

"Now, the attorney general has issued endorsements to candidates in more than 70 contests, with most going to Republican lawmakers who voted against his impeachment or those challenging GOP incumbents who voted for it. His social media accounts boast a two-page, single-spaced list of endorsements up and down the primary ballot Tuesday.

And he has a powerful ally in his effort: Former President Donald Trump . . ."

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Right out of the vile authoritarian Trump playbook. This is a horrific story about the LULAC members. I hope there is a way to stop these vicious southern Confederate monsters like Abbott and Paxton.

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Disgusting behavior on the part of Paxton. Abuse of power, cynical disrespect of citizens, bullying monster! Can he be voted out in November ? God I hope so!!

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Judith Cuinier: Not only do I hope AG Paxton is voted out, but I am hopeful that involvement by LULAC of the Civil Rights Division -- Kirsten Clarke, Department of Justice -- would result in civil rights actions against the State Attorney General.

The events are fresh and the legal process operates slowly.

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I did the only reasonable thing I could imagine after reading your Substack, made a donation to LULAC. Everyone should be able to cast their vote without harrasment.

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Sep 3Liked by Armand Beede

I don't even want to know if there is anyone scumming than Paxton.

Texas, you got some splainin’ to do.

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Kelly Nichol: Isn't that the case. Ken Paxton is bad enough, I would not want to know of anyone worse!

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They were hoping for her demise. Sick.

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