Armand, you and I often get into philosophy to help understand or, think we understand better, what is going on around us. I know math and science are not your strong suit but I want to discuss something that is being discussed more and more in the world of physics.

This is the principle of EMERGENCE.

I do not want to get too deep into the math concepts but let me provide a simple explanation. In a world of many variables that often interact with many other variables, often in nonlinear manner, something can emerge that does not appear to exist at lower scales. Some scientist are starting to believe that both time and gravity are emergent properties.

With Harris, we may be seeing a growing wave emerging that can sweep the country and help clean out some of the rot that has grown with Trump. EMERGENCE.

Some may want to point to historical event to make their analyses and attempt to discount Harris. These people are ignorant on how the underlying variableS have changed. One big change is the dynamical variable of experiencing noxious smells coming from Trump that are increasing daily. This helps fuel the EMERGENCE.

SINCE WE RECENTLY ALLUDED TO HERACLITUS to throw in some philosophy, we definitely are in flux and fire. Another image is that before Biden stepped down with colored sands of time a Mandela was crafted. But with all Mandela, it is destroyed to remind us that the only thing that doesn’t change is change itself.

Think: emergence, flux, huge wave, fire.

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Jim Sanders: You and I only recently met (through media), and already you allude to Nagarjuna and the art of the sand mandalas.

I love the mandala colored sand images and it is quite vivid in explaining the 14 billion years of evolution and constant change, or "emergence, flux, huge wave, fire" . . .

I am keeping this page as a "Favorite" so I can always allude to it.

The sand mandalas are a mystery, beautiful, and in flux and vanish.

Thank you so very much!

I learn a lot from you and you give me much to reflect on with Emergence. As much as I love philosophy and literature, how much more could I explore if I had the gift of mathematics!

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That’s what Franklin D. Roosevelt said in nominating Alfred E. Smith in 1928 for the Democratic Presidential role.

Smith got the nomination. However, being a native New Yorker with a thick accent, a Tammany man, and, most of all, a Roman Catholic, he got hammered outside of large cities.

Since then, we’ve had two Catholic Presidents (JFK and Biden), but it’s interesting that Harris is also a pioneer…African-American, Asian-American, Jewish husband, and female.

Let’s see if it works…at least the Bloated Yam can’t call her senile, but he’ll try.

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Kiwiwriter47: I agree, and believe that Battlefront Operation Happy Warrior is in the FDR tradition. In the 1950s, as a kid, I watched as much FDR speech footage as Southern California TV offered. I loved FDR‘s humor and good nature in deeply troubled times.

Thank you so much for sharing!

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He was the “Great Communicator.”

Not Reagan.

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Kiwiwriter47: Exactly!

I never, not ever, understood public attraction to Reaagan.

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He played the role of "President of the United States" until dementia set in.

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Jul 22Liked by Armand Beede

He was great at projecting a kindly old grandpa image, while his administration screwed the country. If you only listened to his voice and not what he was saying, I'm sure he was very soothing to listen to.

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Pope Buck I: I LOVE your moniker.

Growing up in the '50s and '60s in Southern California, Ronald Reagan never, ever appealed to me on any level, not even his reputedly warm value.

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It's a new era, Armand!

"Our future President, Kamala Harris, faces the moral equivalent in our foe of the old firebrand segregationist, Bull Connor, and to win against reimposition of Jim Crow, our campaign must be:

Within the bounds of the law, no-holds barred battle to the very end with Victory by All Means Necessary or Convenient!"

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