Madame President, Madame President, and once again we all say MADAME PRESIDENT!! 💙💙💙

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Kate Morgan Reade: We both like the ring to that . . . Madame President.

Look how long it took. Pakistan long ago had her President.

Gives me hope that Americans get it right eventually.

As Winston Churchill assured his staff, the Americans can be always counted on to get it right ... * * * After they have tried everything else!

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Haha, yes! We are slow learners; like toddlers, we are a young country and we're gonna do it our way just to prove that we can, and then maybe we'll listen to a bit of reason.😆

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So how can we embarrass the MSM to be this thorough? The information, the videos, the investigations are out there to tell the story. Yet MSM WILL NOT TELL THE STORY.

Freedom of the press are just meaningless words in today’s world where timid apparitions sit in front of cameras, a space once occupied by giants.

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Jim Sanders: Yes, tell me about it. An example was Kaitlyn Collins at the Trump townhall. I think Ms. Collins meant well.

But the neo-fascist bullhorn just plows over the self-restraint of reporters that really know better.

And, in a false show of evenhandedness, they let right-wing extremists drone their nonsense nonstop, and then give a brief moment to the "other side" -- as if both sides, not of an argument, but of a farce, were equal.


Agree with you TOTALLY!

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Wow! Armand, this is such a rich well-done informational post with joy !

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