Jul 9Liked by Armand Beede

Thanks! Brilliant!

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Diane K24: Whew! You are quick! I just posted this.

Diane K24: You and I are spiritual sister and brother! I am so happy that this human, therefore flawed medial platform, called substack, link us in spiritual and heartfelt friendship.

It is a small world. I travel. I hope at times to meet good people. If you or Celly Blue have the time, I would love to have coffee over common core values and to learn to know more deeply the goodness and concerns of the friend.

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I liked that cartoon very much when I was learning a little about Wittgenstein. I added that idea to my understanding of Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem and other bits of thinking to question what I think I know.

Also, I had to look up the word pellucid so thank you.

All I did was put out a small morsel of thought to your hungry mind.

Let’s beat Trump. ♐️♐️♊️

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Jim Sanders: Some morsels taste very good, and I really like the Existential Comics. What a great find.

That is a gift that will accompany me on many morning coffees.

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Fist bump, Armand, and nailing it as usual!

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Alicia Norman, Friend, Fist bump back at you!

We are in a rough haul.

One thing I believe has gone really wrong this cycle was the treatment of the Honorable Fani Willis. I was personally outraged at the treatment of her and her friend, both of whom seem to be very good persons.

I believe the election interference in Georgia is among the very worst of Trump offenses.

Knocking that case off balance was, in my view, defamation of the character of two good persons and deprived the public of the most easily proven and among the most serious felonious cases against Trump.

I really appreciate your kind expression of confidence.

Whatever the faults of this software platform, substack has introduced me to persons with whom I am growing intellectually and spiritually in friendship.

You are at the top of these friends, and I deeply appreciate YOU!

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Jul 9Liked by Armand Beede

I won't argue that that about black women being back bone of the party . Yeet i listened to this recording yesterday , I am not saying all or even half she said was wrong , Yet she should of known congress voted twice about changing voting , the gop won . That is not dems fault . Other states pulling same crap . moving voting machines or changing peoples districts at almost last moment , To make it harder for the poor people , the blacks , Hispanics to vote . If she truly believes that we all need to vote blue , which I do because if trump wins democracy dies . Why would she waste a vote . We need all the blue votes we can get . Peace my friend

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Mitch: What you say is true about the John Lewis Voting Act, that the Senate rules, where a bill should be Filibuster-proof, prevented passage through the Senate.

As far as "not voting," Celly Blue clarified in answer to another reader's question that she would vote for a ticket headed by Kamala Harris, which practically means she would support the Democratic ticket, because were Biden to step down, it would most likely be a Kamala Harris ticket.

But a point of real value in Celly Blue's commentary is her look at the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025. Celly Blue mentions that she actually has read the whole 900 page document and she comments on it.

In this regard, Celly Blue is among those who add a valuable perspective.

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Agree. I’m finding it wise to listen when black women are talking. I love listening to Jasmine Crockett and AOC—I know, she is brown not black. Those two make a powerful one two punch for minority women and for all humanity.

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Jim Sanders: Whatever our differences turn out in the long run to be, you and I share a powerful core of values, including listening to the woman or women.

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Jul 9Liked by Armand Beede

I am not saying se doesn't just some off on things to me .So like you said she clarified things , she will vote for Kamala , not Biden if he is still running ? As for project 2025 yes it is a terrible set of things the gop and trump want , this is nazi crap or Russian , this isn't us . I talked to a republican yesterday he is semi maga , yet open to talking . I asked him who he was voting for he said I am leaning towards trump. I asked why ? He said because prices are so high , I said yes but coming down some . He said and trumps tariffs would bring them down more . I said that is absolutely false , his tariffs is what made them go up in first place . We talked awhile and i said what about project 2025 or aca or ssi being wiped out . He said trump wouldn't do it . Because trump said so . I told him trump says a lot of things mostly lies . He said if he did vote trump and hated how it went could vote different next time . I said no you can't , he said why . i said read project 2025 . It is a dictators playbook . voting and democracy will be gone . there is a great audio run down of 2025 on you tube . it is over an hour but there . I have nothing against celly blue . It is time for whoever runs for dems , to fight back and hard . dems have always been seen as the weak party . Time for that to change . Peace

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Mitch: You had an informed dialogue with your more conservative friend. Very good reasoning on your part, showing you really dig in and absorb the issues.

Thank you, Mitch, for all you share.

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Jul 9Liked by Armand Beede

Thank you for sharing post . Armand .Peace

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You once opined—don’t remember your exact words—about you and I having similarities. I agree. We also have differences which is how it should be.

Thanks for your taking the time to write all this out.

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Jim Sanders: You and I share wonder and love of life, and differences spark the love of knowledge.

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PS. I too subscribe to CELLYBLUE as I appreciate her raw passion for speaking the truth as she sees it. I have never forgot how black women in Alabama organized to keep that silly judge from being elected to the senate and governorship and commiserate with them not being able keep Tuberville—one of the great dumbasses in our country—out of office.

I have, also, been keenly aware of black female attorneys and judges taking Trump head on for which I’m truly grateful.

I believe those that only see life from the top down miss a great amount of understanding of life at its most basic granular level—blind spots—as compared to those thinkers who examine and see life from the bottom up. I attempt to look at life though the eyes of many peoples all from different positions and beginnings in the word. I do that understanding that my understanding is always limited as was Wittgenstein listening to his lions.

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Jim Sanders: OMG, you just introduced me to something really, really worthwhile:


As someone who has read Wittgenstein (in German), I found his prose pellucid and his thought required many revisits, while his prose invited these many visits.

Jim: You have introduced me to so much in the brief time I have read your notes.

Thank you so very much for sharing!

I have put Wittgenstein and his Lion on my favorites so I can keep following it.

These joyful comics are part of the very elixir of life.


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