Thank you so much for that wonderful review. I cannot express my gratitude to you. I hope my writing breaks through, empowers or even embolden. We must remember. Democracy is not death, but she is on life support.

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CellyBlue -- I do know this! -- Your work is an INSPIRATION.

Having lived as a 15-year-old with the astounding news in September 1963 of the Birmingham Bombing, you brought in narrative what I had learned through Chet Huntley and David Brinkley on NBC and Walter Cronkite on CBS news. These precious, promising, beautiful young girls and young women. Your words are so poignant and you won my heart, which is why I subscribe.

And your conversations with your Sister -- I am moved by the love between you both and the substantiveness of your discussions.

My review is a small acknowledgment of a grand heart and mind.

Your writing DOES "break through, empowers . . . embolden."

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Thank you for this post, Armand. It is easy for people of privilege to be so unaware as to shrug and turn to whatever is most annoying in their own lives. This battle for equality is FAR from over, and the current political engagement with people who hate others because of their race, gender, religion, ethnicity and other factors of "difference" in order to create instability through fomenting violence is unacceptable, full stop. Let's push these sick people back under the rocks they have crawled out from under. The rest of us can get on with respect, decency, inclusion, the bottom line being love of each other as human beings.

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Thank you Armand, for sharing this valuable and devastating work by CellyBlue. It needs to be shared far and wide. ✌️

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Armand! What a well-researched honest look at our history.

I already followed CellyBlue but I just upgraded to paid.

February is indeed the perfect month for Black/Negro History.

"Woodson chose February so that this event coincided with the birth dates of two men important to Black history: Frederick Douglass, who celebrated his birthday on February 14, and Abraham Lincoln, born February 12. So, if asked why February is such an important date for black American history, educate your friends and tell them it is not because it is the shortest month of the year, but because of the significance of the month."

Blessings dear friend💕

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Lorraine Evanoff: Our feelings are mutual, good friend!

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Love you, Armand!

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Alicia Norman: Mutual friendship!

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