We agree again. Flex some muscle, go on the attack, kick some ass. Laugh loudly and publicly at the repugnant attacks with responses like “this is just the name calling of a three year old. The Republican has become the party of children in adult bodies.

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Jim Sanders: You said it EXACTLY RIGHT!

This is the way of the Happy Warrior.

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Jul 29Liked by Armand Beede

Hakeem has been magnificent💙🇺🇸💙

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Diane K24: With young leaders like Hakeem Jeffries, I feel very good about Our Future.

I think the best days of the Democratic Party are ahead!

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Jul 30Liked by Armand Beede

I hope so! 💙

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"it is a grave error to mock said candidate’s voter base!"

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Malcolm J. McKinney: Yes, indeed, John Bolton (!!) really hit Trump/Vance hard on that!

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Remember Hillary's comment on deplorables, too general.

Shoul have attacked Trump on encouraging racism.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Author

Malcolm J. McKinney: EXACTLY.

Attack the fascist message -- TRUMP: "Immigrants poison our blood" -- and the rest will follow.

"Poisoning our blood" is specifically National Socialist language.

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You may not be aware or even realize DT has got to be one of the least racist candidates we have seen in decades - the NCAAP even gave the man an award & held many dinners in his honor for all he did to help black neighborhoods & colleges - he definitely has the votes of every African American man I have spoken with and a good majority of the women (although many black women will always continue to vote D, no matter what - which I just don’t understand). I don’t understand the absolute loyalty to a party & not the person. I have never voted for a candidate just because of their party affiliation (too many of them lie just to get elected then just do what they want anyway). I try to look at their voting record, their resume any public info to let us know who they REALLY are, & not just automatically believing what the MSM tells us about a person - they have an agenda & are definitely not unbiased

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“A few weeks ago, Armando was adapting himself to a life of loyal opposition in 2025.” Same, friend. How wonderful it is to have hope again.

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Kimberly Carter: Momentum, "The Big MO!", feels wonderful with only weeks till November 5th.

What, too, is wonderful, is not only has Future-President Kamala Harris taken off strong from the starting gate, but there are many surrogates taking the hustings.

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Jul 29Liked by Armand Beede

Tricky Dick. I remember GOP folks saying the only thing he did wrong was get caught. Some things haven’t changed, eh?

Well, even if Joe’s handlers mishandled things, they got what they wanted-a winning ticket with Queen Kamala. Mind you, I do like the Biden/Harris people & I loathe the repugnant Deranged Diablo Donald. But as you brought up the Kennedy name, I must add my 2 cents.

Earlier, I read a potent article here on substack. Bringing home the point, that if you don’t have a planet, or health, you have nada. I would suggest reading both links below.

"Ask not to be born today"


Know—that this campaign has not been won by all lollipops & rainbows. Other than Joe slung aside, there continues to be some very DIRTY politics at play.

What I am talking about is smearing, censoring and blocking ballot access for 3rd parties. Yes, yes, I know—it’s a wasted vote -or is it? Silencing voices is a crime in my book.

I do not want the billionaire’s club, telling me that it is only a 2 party race & censoring other voices. Cornel West, Jill Stein, Rfk jr—all have had to sue various ballot states because of foul play. Look up the the headlines “Democrats declare war on 3rd party.” MULTI-MILLIONS in campaign money spent to censor, smear & block ballots? This is a Democracy?

So—back to the planet & the Kennedy name. Rfk jr has been ruthlessly smeared. He is the ONLY one who has been fighting for YEARS for clean air, water, soil, health. For someone reading this who is right away yelling at the screen, saying you nut, he’s a nut, a conspiracist, I say no--listen to his words, not the MSM spin & propaganda & the opposition warfare campaigning….MULTIMILLIONS spent for this silencing, smearing, blocking ballot access. Kamala’s hometown has the biggest homeless crisis in the states. So rather than spending $ on helping them, the multi-millions is spent on opposition warfare.

Rfk jr is a good man who has been dragged through the mud. Imagine if you were attacked non-stop & called conspiracist when your whole life you fought giant polluters & won cases against big companies such as Monsanto, on behalf of people poisoned? Rfk jr is not anti-vax, he’s not a conspiracist. No-he didn’t eat dog. Yes, he loves Jewish people. Shame on the smearing & wasting donation dollars.

Re earth issues—here on one vid, Rfk jr climbs a 100 year old tree, talking about the importance of preserving our planet. https://www.kennedy24.com/policies

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Zara: Thank you very much for your contribution, in which you and I share the spirit of worry about climate change, sustainability, and dirty politics.

One of the persons you mention that I particularly like is Cornell West, whose work I read with great interest.

Thank you for your links. I have read both of them.

I respect your feelings for RFK, Jr., but we are in a first-past-the-goalpost system, not a European parliamentary alliance-building system.

I believe you have the right spirit and am receptive to your reasoning, while respectfully getting enthusiastically behind the Presidential Campaign of Kamala Harris in the hopes that she trounces racist Trump/Vance.

I have personal respect for each of the Kennedy family, and am in awe that he can climb a 100-year-old tree because, if nothing else, I would be overcome by acrophobia!

Thank you, Zara, so much for your contribution!

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Jul 30Liked by Armand Beede

I appreciate your respectful response. I am not trying to sway anyone.

I am just incredulous & disappointed by the ticker tape parade, while money is being spent (wasted) to trounce others in an un-fair & unkind way. I do like Kamala, but I also appreciate free voices.

I understand that we need to defeat Donald Mussolini, but I subscribe to doing it in a fair & Democratic fashion. Thank you for your note:)

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Zara: Thank you so much for dialogue.

You and I share big values, and differences make our friends interesting.

Armando has been a member of the bar for 50 years (worked 41, retired 8 years ago), and I learn from dear friends who suggest different approaches.

I enjoy corresponding with you, and will look with great interest to future dialogue.

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Agree 200% as elections ramp up carefully cultivate all their mega boo-boos and smack them about with it like a halibut! Hardcore supporters wont be swayed, but any conservative with sense would be.

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Alicia Norman: Exactly, right! By the way, one would tenderize the halibut by smacking them about with the fish. Now that the fine fish is softened, then fried halibut is mighty fine.

But make that halibut WORK for its taste!

A conservative with good sense is in the tradition of Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, and Russell Kirk. I can't agree with them. But I can enjoy convivial debate with them over coffee and fine bourbon. Good people. We are just made differently, but these differences are good and can keep friendships interesting and vital.

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It is so nice & refreshing to actually read someone still ok with people having different opinions! It has become so rare over these last 8 (actually more like 16) years. I am always asking what the heck happened to being able to “agree to disagree” and move on? I have not seen anyone else even remotely willing to debate since DT came along (started seeing it during the 0bama years but nothing like now). I only ever find those who think their opinion is the “right” one & if you disagree or question anything surrounding the opinion, you are told you are just wrong & never given any facts to back them up, labeled a conspiracy theorist (even though so many of them have ended up being at least partially true (some 100% true)), told you are in a cult (my favorite), & the trusted, pull out as needed - you must be racist, or a bigot. Why? Why is it that in America in the 70s & 80s, race had pretty-much become a non-issue (at least here in OK). That is until we got our first black president & it all started rearing its ugly head again. He began dividing the American people by making everyone victims of some sort of oppression by someone else - he brought back a racial divide that I had never known (we had lots of different races & cultures at our elementary/jr high & high schools). I went to school with & were friends with kids of every color & ethnicity. It was a small rural school district and many kids were the first to attend school off the reservations - one of my best friends from jr high taught us (when speaking of Indians), we really needed to differentiate between “dot or feather” (she was a feather - I know it sounds terrible now, but that was a different time (pre-political-correctness). In kindergarten & 1st grade I had 2 friends, both named Jennifer (1 was brown Jennifer & 1 was black Jennifer), we all knew them as such & it was never a big deal (hell, it wasn’t even a little deal). Being the 70s, we had a fairly large group of Vietnamese kids (the absolute most disciplined people I’ve ever met) as well as Indians (both dot & feather), blacks, whites, Latino, it did not matter to any of us or anyone we even knew - we were all just people (raised singing “red or yellow, black or white, they are precious in His sight”). So, why did they divide us like they have? Well, by seeing my name, I’m pretty sure you can guess my thoughts on it - just wondering yours. {Sorry for such a long comment (I got carried away)}.

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